
Putting life back in 2018

13-14th October

Allison Dickson Theatre H102 USQ, Toowoomba QLD


Putting life back in 2018

13-14th October

Allison Dickson Theatre H102 USQ, Toowoomba QLD

Walter Jehne

Internationally recognised climate scientist, soil microbiologist, and innovation strategist. He has immense field and research experience in forests, grasslands, agriculture and soils at national (CSIRO) and international (UN) level.

Nicole Masters

BSc in Ecology focusing on soil science and plant physiology. Currently studying at the University of Auckland to complete a Masterate in Ag Extension. Founded Integrity Soils Ltd and was a finalist in the Rural Business Woman of the Year New Zealand 2012.

Prof Don Huber

Professor Emeritus of Plant Pathology at Purdue University has been studying plants for 55+ years.  He is an Expert of nutrient-disease interactions and his research has focused on epidemiology and control of soil born plant pathogens.

Very glad that you’ve made this decision to invest in yourself and fundamentally then into the landscapes that you manage.

We’ve got a great event planned for you in Toowoomba a city in the heart of the beautiful Darling Downs.

Lots going on in our industries now as we’re sure you are definitely aware of. We’re releasing early bird tickets at MIDDAY on the 3rd September doing our best to keep prices down as the most important people we want in our room is YOU our producers and SUPPORT industries. We are building a list of those who may be access to assist attendees in their costs wrt attending for this weekend. Knowing full well that your commitment is not just the attendance fees but also accommodation and travel. These speakers are however of international acclaim and hence do ask for a significant speaker, travel, and accommodation package as well. 

Regenerative Agriculture

Bookings Essential -Limited spaces! Includes Morning, Lunch and Afternoon Teas: Dinner ticketed. Prices from – Students @ $150 (+GST)

Hi! I’m Sarah

If you’ve seen we’ve missed anything, you’ve got a lead on support people can access or you have a business that would like to support our event and hence like further details….please just PM directly or ring Sarah 0439 827927 or email sarah@bearbiologics.com.au. THANK YOU.

manage from the ground up


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